Your Guide to Watch Blaze :
Inside the Anatomy of a Speed Demon

In a market flushed with crazy new smartwatches every week, it is often hard to distinguish between models.

Some tantalise with their drip, while others promise 10 million billion things you can do on an ultimately standard screen size. Some claim to last longer than a typical Monday but they’re nothing more than a short-lived Friday night. Others boast about tracking so much stuff about you, they might as well be your browser cookies. Eventually, though, they all make us go, ‘Same old, same old’.

But then something arrives in the blink of an eye. A smartwatch that promises to be ‘faster, no cap’.

‘Dude, a smartwatch that is faster...WHAT does that even mean?’ It means a smartwatch that finally has your attention...and the attention of everyone else. A smartwatch that blazes a trail. A smartwatch that begs the question...what is inside?